April 14 - Cryptography Spotlight Day | April 15-16 - Main Conference and Expo
Conrad Hotel, Washington D.C.
Spinning out from the University of Birmingham’s Quantum Technology Hub for Sensors and Timing Delta g Limited is the world’s first quantum technology company with an approach to gravity gradiometry that has been proven in the field1. Building on more than £20m of government funded R&D (through projects such as Gravity Pioneer and Gravity Imager) Delta g marks the next step in moving these devices from research prototypes into market ready solutions. Ideally suited leveraging this public investment into a commercial viability Delta g brings together experts from quantum technology, deep tech, R&D and business sectors.
Utilising both public funds, through projects such as the Innovate UK funded CompaQT project, and private equity investments Delta g will transition quantum gravity gradiometers into a TRL 8/9 capability within it’s first 5 years of operation. Backed by long time end-user partners, such as BAE and RSK, with R&D support from the University of Birmingham, Delta g has visibility of the evolving market needs and is fully capable to meet these challenges.