April 14 - Cryptography Spotlight Day | April 15-16 - Main Conference and Expo
Conrad Hotel, Washington D.C.
Prof Leigh Lapworth is the Rolls-Royce Fellow in Computational Sciences. He has been with Rolls-Royce for over 30 years and has a long experience of developing and applying physics based simulation using High Performance Computers. He has led a number of successful collaborative projects involving industry and academia. He is the principal business investigator for the 5-year EPSRC Prosperity Partnership in “Computational Science for Advanced Simulation and Modelling of Virtual Systems” launched in 2018 where his research interest is in encrypted simulations at massive scale. He is the Rolls-Royce technical lead for Quantum Computing and is leading a collaborative research project with the STFC Hartree Centre entitled “Quantum Algorithms for Aerospace Applications”.
Leigh is a Chartered Mathematician and Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications. He is a Royal Society Industry Fellow and is currently a member of the UKRI’s e-Infrastructure Expert Group and the STFC’s Computing Advisory Panel. He is also an Honorary Professorial Fellow at Warwick University. Previously, he has been a director of CFMS Ltd. which is a joint venture between Rolls-Royce and Airbus specialising in high value design using advanced modelling and simulation and high performance computing.
Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Leigh.
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