Quantum.Tech USA 2025

April 14 - Cryptography Spotlight Day | April 15-16 - Main Conference and Expo

Conrad Hotel, Washington D.C.

Florian Neukart

Chief Product Officer Terra Quantum

I am a seasoned business leader, strategist, and scientist with a get-it-done, high-quality, and on-time delivery spirit. Serving as the Member of the Board of Management for Product at Terra Quantum AG, I oversee all product development activities. Prior to joining Terra Quantum, I was the Director of Volkswagen Group’s Data Lab – an innovation center focusing on artificial intelligence and quantum computing research and development along Volkswagen Group’s value chain – which I helped establish from 2014 onwards. In addition, I founded and was the Director of the Advanced Technologies Group at Volkswagen Group Region Americas in San Francisco, where I orchestrated several research efforts related to quantum computing, artificial intelligence, and energy technologies. Before, I held various management and research positions in industry, academia, and consulting. I am also an assistant professor at the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science teaching quantum computing, am on multiple advisory boards and committees focusing on advanced technology and its impact on society, and authored books on artificial intelligence and energy. Furthermore, I am a special advisor to the Quantum Strategy Institute, on the Board of Advisors at KI Park, on the Board of Trustees of the International Foundation of Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing, a co-author of Germany’s National Roadmap for Quantum Computing, and the Advisory Board of Quantum.Tech.

I’ve built my career in various roles, industries, and academia and have been doing hands-on research and directing large R&D teams and efforts. I’m not only used to wearing many hats; I sincerely enjoy it; I thrive in an environment where no two workdays are the same.

My academic background is in computer science, physics, and information technology. I hold Master’s degrees and diplomas in each of these and a Ph.D. in computer science focusing on the intersection of machine learning and quantum computing.

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Florian.

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