Quantum Computing Tech CEO, What’s in Your Crypto Infrastructure?

Cryptographic algorithms are what keep your quantum tech data yours. If a weakness were discovered in the encryption algorithm, your intellectual property and any data or information secured by the affected algorithm would be in danger of exposure.
How many of you, CEOs, have your quantum technology intellectual property secured in a cryptographically agile encryption system? How much control over your IP’s cryptographic algorithms does your cybersecurity team? Does the team have control over the keys, the locks, and the gates to your quantum kingdom such that you are able to readily change over the encryption?
Unfortunately, there is often a delay of weeks, months, and in some instances, years, before cybersecurity flaws are revealed. When an encryption algorithm flaw is made public, the revelation creates a frenzy of hackers trying to exploit the vulnerability.
Seconds count when your information systems are leaking encrypted data. This is exacerbated by your cybersecurity team scrambling to switch encryption algorithms. Meanwhile, nefarious perps may well be getting at your quantum tech IP. Your IP could soon be finding its way into the hands of competitors, unencrypted, for all to see.
Enter the cryptographically agile infrastructure. Without it, security hardware in your network would likely require a complete hardware and software change-out to implement a secure encryption algorithm.
Aside from the financial expense to replace your non-agile security hardware, the cost savings in algorithm swap-time is priceless.
With such agile encryption infrastructure in place, changing algorithms can be accomplished quite readily. Your quantum tech IP would remain just that -- yours.
As the quantum cryptography realm recently discovered with the Rainbow algorithm weaknesses, there are vulnerabilities in encryption algorithms. Fortunately, this issue was discovered and made public. What if Rainbow were deployed to your crypto-infrastructure? Could your network pivot quickly without resorting to shutting down, removing, and installing capable cryptographic appliances? Or have you already ‘gone agile’ and have the capability to pivot without exposure of your quantum technology IP?
Today, now, having a crypto-agile infrastructure is an imperative. Soon, the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology will have a thoroughly vetted suite of encryption algorithms to thwart bad actors; and, even better, to squelch any potential quantum computing threat in the future.
Quantum apocalypse or not, you owe it to your employees, investors, and the world.
Will your quantum technology IP be left vulnerable to hacked algorithms or to the looming arrival of powerful quantum computers? Because Quantum is Coming. Qubit
Robert Clifford, aka “Qubit”, is a well-qualified cybersecurity professional and contributor to The Qubit Report.