Quantum.Tech USA 2025

April 14 - Cryptography Spotlight Day | April 15-16 - Main Conference and Expo

Conrad Hotel, Washington D.C.

Interview: Dr. Isaac Balbin, Founder & CEO, Parsl

What are you most looking forward to at the Quantum.Tech conference?

I’m looking forward to meeting and networking with leading professionals and scientists working in the space to advance my knowledge of the state of the industry right now and how things are likely to change in the next 24 months. I’m also looking forward to talking to people about how we are planning to integrate into our technology suite and hoping to get some feedback on our ideas.

What do you think are the biggest challenges facing the adoption of Quantum technology in 2019/ 2020?

I think the biggest challenges are going to be in helping people understand what Quantum technology is, and what it’s going to make possible in terms of applications. I think the concurrent development of Quantum resistant cryptography is important so the industry doesn’t cause end users to become fearful of the technology. 

Looking ahead a year from now, how do you see the adoption of Quantum computing progressing?

I see Quantum computing still progressing slowly, but then going through a rapid pace of adoption once we have more commercially viable units that people are able to acquire. 

What is going to be the biggest area of focus for your organisation within Quantum over the next 12 months?

We are looking to integrate Quantum into our platform to make it more safe and secure for clients.

What are the most important factors you consider in selecting a new Quantum solution partner?

Experience, technical aptitude and cost.

What are the first steps an organization can take to start making their data and networks “Quantum safe”?

Education for key executives and joining relevant associations that are working at the cutting edge of the industry. 

If you look 3 years into the future, what do you consider will be the biggest impact Quantum technology will have on your industry?

I see the blockchain industry advancing significantly faster than traditional IT infrastructure-based systems as it’s more agile and able to adapt to a Quantum computing powered world. As such, many organisations will become more interested in moving over to adopting blockchain based solutions. 

What is your biggest professional achievement to date?

The establishment of Parsl, a revolutionary supply chain technology company that combines the best that technology has to offer (including but not limited to blockchain, IoT, AI / Machine Learning, AR/VR, Quantum, etc.) to build a platform that changes the way people can think about a supply chain. 

We are really interested in thinking about building out new cryptocurrency mining infrastructure using quantum technology, which will be significantly more efficient and power friendly than currently available technology. 

Don't miss Isaac is speaking at Quantum.Tech this September in Boston: https://www.quantumtechcongress.com/speakers/dr-isaac-balbin

To learn more about Parsl, go to: https://www.parsl.co/