Quantum.Tech USA 2025

April 14 - Cryptography Spotlight Day | April 15-16 - Main Conference and Expo

Conrad Hotel, Washington D.C.

Interview: Aaron Bishop, CEO, Quantum Security Alliance

What are you most looking forward to at the Quantum.Tech conference?

A better understanding of the environment globally as it pertains to Quantum Computing.  Meeting key luminaries who I don’t already know.  Get a better 6month, 1yr, 2yr view of where Quantum Computing is heading.  Identify trends today.

What do you think are the biggest challenges facing the adoption of Quantum technology in 2019/ 2020?

I think first is nomenclature.  When we say “Quantum” too many things come to mind and they are all right and all wrong.  Next is awareness.  There are more issues to Quantum Computing than lab creation and encryption.  Finally, for Quantum to be successful, delivery methodology must be designed.  Today, we are dependent on a very insecure technology (browsers) to access quantum computing.

Looking ahead a year from now, how do you see the adoption of Quantum computing progressing?

I think Quantum is here now, at least in some rudimentary forms.  Those who recognize it, train for it, and start applying it will be the early adopters over the next 6-12 months.  I think it will be cutting edge technology in the 18-24month horizon.  Early uses will be limited high computational use cases.  Once that is established, I think the use cases will broaden and be more creative.

What is going to be the biggest area of focus for your organisation within Quantum over the next 12 months?

Establishing a Quantum Operating Environment and testing our proposed Quantum Security Baseline.  We will continue to refine the Quantum Security Baseline from our findings.  We will then continue to refine nomenclature with NIST to drive standards for Quantum computing.  Finally, we will work with partners to apply the Quantum Security Baseline to different approaches to Quantum Computing to ensure a sound security posture regardless of Quantum implementation.  Finally, we will continue to drive Awareness and Resiliency throughout the Quantum Computing world.

For Industry: What are the most important factors you consider in selecting a new Quantum solution partner?

The Quantum Security Alliance looks for an organization that is evidence based.  The organization must be focused on facts and not human bias.  The organization must be striving to better understand the realities of securing and being secured by Quantum Computing.

Top tips: How can you best engage and support the business to adopt Quantum technologies?

Members of the Quantum Security Alliance will have access to all our research, baselines, best practices and white papers to better understand how Quantum Computing needs to be secured, can be used for your own organizational needs.  Anything to improve Cybersecurity Awareness and Resiliency in the Quantum realm!

Top tips: What is the best single piece of advice you can give to an enterprise looking to start their Quantum journey?

Read.  Read.  And Read.  So much is happening in so many quiet places (Universities, Government, overseas, etc.) that just keeping up to understand is imperative.  Next, define a use case of interest to your organization.  Because Quantum Computing is so new and “wide-open” there is no artificial constraint.  That is both good and bad.  Once you have a narrow focus and you have awareness, it should be straight forward for your organization to choose a relevant path.

What are the first steps an organization can take to start making their data and networks “Quantum safe”?

Solve basic Cybersecurity first.  Identify from an asset management perspective, where you are inserting Quantum into your environment.  Then leverage Quantum Security Alliance to help secure your investment.

If you look 3 years into the future, what do you consider will be the biggest impact Quantum technology will have on your industry?

Since the world can not handle Cybersecurity in classical computing today, three years from now, unless a lot of changes, Quantum Computing will only accelerate negative results in protecting our interests.

What technology infrastructure building blocks are required to begin a Quantum computing or secure communications proof of concept?

Solve the use case first.  Understand how Quantum fits in process.  Understand the transition and interfaces between classical and quantum computing.  Research and leverage work done in the space versus trying to create everything yourself.

What is your biggest professional achievement to date?

Establishing my two companies Eigenspace and Quantum Security Alliance.

View when Aaron is speaking here.