Internationals Women's Day - Quantum spotlight - Araceli Venegas-Gomez

How did you enter the quantum world? What is your current role?
While I was working in industry I studied a masters in medical physics and through that I got introduced to more concepts and the mathematical formulation of quantum mechanics. I loved it so much that I decided to change my career and move to academia to pursue a PhD in quantum simulation. During my time in the academia I realised that coming from industry I had an strategic position between the science and the business. Thanks to a great network of peers and mentors I materialised some ideas in my company QURECA, where I am the founder and CEO.
Are you seeing more women breaking through the tech industries glass ceiling?
Quantum is a very niche field, and lot of startups come out of universities and research institutions. As the academic field is more male dominated, so it is the quantum industry. However, we have amazing startups founded by women and also women joining quantum companies in key positions.
What advice would you give other women in the same position as you?
Everything is possible, you just need to believe in you, get out there, and be visible. You never know who you could meet when, changing your whole career path!
Who is your role model?
I admire anyone who believes in pursuing her or his goals. There are so many people who just dream of doing something without even trying. Kudos to all dream catchers!
Quantum is changing rapidly; what are your big picture predictions for next 5 years?
Very tricky question. I think we will see the rapid development of the field in terms of startups getting funding and starting to commercialise their products. I think we might be surprised for a breakthrough in quantum computing. Who or what that would be, I am not able to predict.