Get involved with the BCG Quantum survey

Following “The Next Decade in Quantum Computing” by Dr Philipp Gerbert in 2018, Boston Consulting Group will publish a State of Quantum Computing publication in March-April.
This report is aimed at a generalist audience to increase Quantum technologies adoption:
- Key trends in research, technology and use cases; tentative timelines based on the best guesses
- Key figures and projections: e.g. patent publications, VC / government funding, by region
- Key definitions / glossary
- Scope: Quantum computing and Quantum communications
Your view on the key trends and timelines would be of a great value:
- Timeline / maturity of key Quantum solutions such as QKD, QML, quantum simulations…
- Timeline / maturity of key Quantum technologies such as trapped ions, superconducting…
- Challenges or potentials roadblocks to scale quantum as public / private funding, training enough scientists…
We will share back the consolidated answers and the insights we will derive from them. The individual answers to this survey will remain confidential. Aggregated trends will serve to give a clearer picture of where the field is heading, what can really be expected and in which time frame.
On behalf of BCG, we would like to thank you in advance for your kind participation.
Antoine Gourevitch, Senior Partner & Managing Director and Harold Ollivier, PhD, Scientific Advisor
Fill out the survey at the following link: