April 14 - Cryptography Spotlight Day | April 15-16 - Main Conference and Expo
Conrad Hotel, Washington D.C.
The Air Force continues to be an innovation leader in quantum technologies. Here, Michael Hayduk presents the latest roadmap from the AFRL.
Eleanor, and NASA Ames, lead the way in many facets of quantum work. Learn the very latest updates from this renowned quantum expert.
Quantum technologies are nothing without a resilient hardware and software stack(s) and supporting technologies. Learn what the latest developments are within this supply chain, and how the industries leaders are working towards the scale-up of qubits and new software platforms.
Zapata’s customer base includes some of the earliest adopters of quantum computing. These organizations are building applications, infrastructure, and workforce to be quantum ready.
bp and Andretti Autosport are approaching their journeys to quantum readiness from very different angles. In this fireside chat we compare and contrast the two teams’ journeys across goals, challenges, and tactics they’re employing this year to position themselves to win quantum—not insure against its disruption.
As we move from theory to reality, and from the research lab into the boardroom, quantum technology is at a crossroads. This session brings some academic and governmental leaders who have been supporting quantum from the start. In this session they will be looking at;
With a market size of more than $6 trillion traded per day, the foreign exchange (FX) market is the largest financial market in the world. In this workshop, Mastercard’s Quantum Computing lead, Dr. Steve Flinter, will describe how Mastercard is exploring the use of quantum computation to solve computational problems related to net settlement for banks and other financial institutions operating in FX markets
Quantum computing is a central part of the emerging technology strategy of Deutsche Bahn. In this session I will look at how we have been working with key partners to drive our Quantum computing strategy to optimise our successful supply chain processes.
How to assess the real risk exposure and develop an effective mitigation strategy today to help secure for tomorrow.
Some say the eventual threat posed by quantum computers to much of today’s encryption infrastructure is like a Y2K level disruption event without the luxury of a date, but bad actors are not waiting for that day; they are actively capturing encrypted data today with the knowing that they will eventually be able to break that encryption. Encrypted data with intelligence longevity and long self-life value is at risk right now. How do security leaders mitigate the risk, how can you assess the real risk exposure, and how can you develop an effective mitigation strategy today to help secure for tomorrow?
I will discuss some of the applications driving interest in quantum technology at Raytheon Technologies and the defense and intelligence industries more broadly. In the medium term, we see quantum sensing technology being adopted first, impacting precision, navigation and timing (PNT) as well as remote sensing in several domains. In the longer term, quantum computing is expected to supply faster algorithms to solve problems in logistics, fluid dynamics, and machine learning. Finally, in the very long term, distributing entanglement across free space and fiber links to network these sensing and computing systems will enable and amplify their quantum advantage. This will enable vastly improved resolution via long baseline interferometry, networked processing across resources, and entanglement enhanced PNT.
Quantum technologies are expected to create a massive paradigm shift in the way aircraft are built and flown. Airbus is exploring a number of quantum technologies that can be applied to aerospace challenges. Quantum computing can provide us solutions in tandem with more traditional high-performance computing to solve key computationally intensive tasks, e.g. in the area of fluid dynamics, finite-element simulations, aerodynamics, flight mechanics, and more. Quantum communication will enable future secure communications infrastructure for our aerospace platforms based on security-enhancing quantum information technologies. Quantum sensors are effective at measuring physical quantities with the highest relative and absolute accuracy, which opens the way towards satellite independent navigation for aerospace vehicles.
Quantum technology adoption in a large company depends on finding ways to provide a return on the research and development investment. In this talk, I will highlight two very different use cases that have promise within Boeing and the work we have done to investigate them.
This talk will present a hybrid quantum-classical non-linear CFD solver using the HHL algorithm for the inner linearised equations. Emulated results will show the importance of the hybrid interface in the overall time to solution of the hybrid solver
Our journey, experiences, and lessons learned from 2 years of educating software engineers (and some executives) of a fortune-5 healthcare company in the basics of Quantum Computing will be the core of this presentation. We'll also touch on our business justifications, POC's, and future trajectories.
The current quantum talent shortage is an identified issue and hot topic, and companies from all over the world fight to get the best candidates. Moreover, new comers into the quantum ecosystem are eager to find resources to jump into the quantum boat. What are we doing to ensure the workforce is ready for the quantum revolution? There is a clear need for specific education at all levels, and we will revisit some of the most important initiatives worldwide
Over the last couple of years, quite the opposite of a “Quantum Winter” has occurred, with wide and varied funding models. In this session, understand what investors are looking for, the pro’s and con’s of the different funding strategies, and what the future holds for quantum start up investment.
To conclude the conference, we bring together some Quantum visionaries for their unique insight into what with come this decade. Will this be the decade when Quantum computing finally comes of age?