29 September 2025 – Cryptography Spotlight Day | 30 September – 1 October 2025 – Main Conference and Expo
Postillion Hotel & Convention Centre WTC Rotterdam
SiPhotonIC was launched in 2018 to spin-out the silicon photonics technology developed by the Department of Photonics Engineering (prev. DTU Fotonik, now DTU Electro) in the Technical University of Denmark.
The company was founded by the senior researcher Dr. Yunhong Ding, to cover the needs for rapid prototyping of affordable and fully-customized silicon photonic integrated circuits (PICs).
The company is using DTU Danchip National Center for Micro- and Nanofabrication (DTU Danchip/Nanolab).
SiPhotonIC focuses on the moment on rapid photonic prototyping with very quick delivery times that outperform certain MPW and volume production delays:
There are two processing options (depending on the complexity):
- Fast delivery time (typically 1.5 – 3.5 months FRO)
- Rapid cycle premiums (with a pay-the-extra-only-if-we-ship policy)
The company has a strong track record in manufacturing high-performance & complex silicon PICs both for classical and quantum photonic applications with many of them published in world-class journals i.e. Science, Nature Communications, Nano Letters, Nanoscale, Scientific Reports etc.