Quantum.Tech Qatar 2025

13 - 15 January, 2025

Marsa Malaz Kempinski, The Pearl – Doha, Qatar

Mowaffak Midani

Head of Solutions Architecture, Alliances, and Partnerships Quantum Circuits Inc

Head of Solutions Architecture, alliances, and partnerships at Quantum Circuits Inc., operating at the intersection of business and technology with the mission to advance the adoption of quantum computing in energy, engineering, pharmaceutical, chemistry, and material sciences. An engineering executive with over 30 years of experience leading innovations, engineering development, and strategic activities at AT&T Bell Labs, Alcatel, Motorola, Pipeline Technologies & Services, and VizLore, covering telecommunications, industrial automation, quantum computing, and AI. An author, a founder/co-founder of three telecommunication companies in the United States, and a holder of six U.S. patents in telecommunications and AI.

Main Conference Day 1

2:15 PM Introducing the Superconducting Cavity-based Dual-rail Qubit with Inherent Error Detection and Real-time Software Control

While many companies have chosen to focus on scaling the quantum computing system first, at Quantum Circuits we chose to first optimize the design of the qubit to improve its fidelity, incorporate inherent error detection at the qubit level, and then scale up the quantum system. The implications are profound as the number of raw qubits needed to enable error correction and produce logical qubits is reduced significantly by the quality and design of the qubits used in the system. The benefits include supporting a new class of classical-quantum programming paradigm and a clear path towards quantum fault-tolerance through well-engineered systems, solutions, and algorithms.

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Mowaffak.

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