Media Partner Opportunities

Quant Strats recognises that a targeted marketing plan is absolutely crucial to the success of every single event that we organize. We have in place a dedicated in-house B2B marketing department to make this happen, we can guarantee delivery of the right audience to all of our customers.

Benefits of supporting Quant Strats as a media partner or association:

  • BRAND your publication/association in front of the most senior level audience in the industry
  • Position yourself as a thought expert through our INTEGRATED MARKETING campaign.
  • Increase your business contacts who will directly IMPACT YOUR BOTTOM LINE.
  • Access business executives from a truly global AUDIENCE.
  • Acquire EXCLUSIVE SUBJECT MATTER for your products and services.

Each Quant Strats event we produce has a dedicated website that is promoted 365 days a year. With an average of 40,000 unique visitors to our website.