What is Quantum Computing’s impact on hedge funds and investment banking?

Separating the hype from the reality in Quantum computing is hard. More so given the highly theoretical and technical nature of the subject. How close is Quantum computing? How can you prepare for it? What impact will it have on your portfolio, risk framework, and trading strategy? What risk does it pose to your firm’s cybersecurity?
You can have all these questions answered by attending Quantum.Tech, September 10-11 in Boston.
- Get an up-to-the-minute picture of where Quantum computing is today from industry leaders like IBM, Honeywell and Microsoft.
- Hear how global banks CIBC, BBVA and ABN Amro have built Quantum programs and are experimenting with Quantum computing.
- Explore what you can do today with applications that are already on the market, and what are the highest impact application areas.
- Understand what the infrastructure, and resource requirements are.
- Evaluate all the providers under one roof at one time.
- Network with other banks and hedge funds who have already started their Quantum programs.
Given the complexity of Quantum computing, playing catch up is not an option. You need to ensure you are right at the cutting edge of this technology, and attending Quantum.Tech is the simplest way to do this. In one shot, you can cover the entire quantum landscape and return to the office with a Quantum game plan.
Don’t miss this chance.
To view the full program and secure your place to Quantum.Tech, September 10-11, 2019, Boston, go to: www.quantumtechcongress.com